Parents should conduct a Health Screening of their child EACH DAY before they come to school.
Please answer "YES" or "NO" to each question. Do you have:
- New onset or worsening cough
- Difficulty breathing
- Fever (100.4 or greater)
- Loss of Smell or Taste
- Chills
- Muscle Pain
- Sore Throat
- Fatigue
- New onset of nasal congestion or runny nose
- New onset of severe headache
- Excessive Fatigue
- Diarrhea
- Vomitting
- Nausea
*If you answer yes to any of the above symptoms, please keep your child home and call the school at 507-249-5880 (MS/HS) or 507-557-2251 (Elementary) for further instructions.
**Please note that if a student needs to go home during the day due to illness, parents/guardians need to immediately pick that student up from school. Please plan accordingly.