• Social Distance

    Safe Return to School Information

    Parent Resources

    Return to School Plans:
    Click on the links below to open up each plan. 

    • In-Person Learning Plan: Click Here
    • Please contact the District Office to enroll in Selected Distance Learning. (507) 249-5990

    Who to Contact with Questions:
    Our goal for communication is that all individuals "Go to the Source" with the questions they may have. Going to the source allows everyone to get the most accurate information. During a time such as this, having incorrect information can create confusion. Having all people have the most accurate information allows us to work efficiently to provide what is best for our students.

    Please contact the following people with questions you may have: 
    District Level Questions: Dr. Steve Malone, Superintendent, (507) 249-5990 or smalone@cedarmt.org
    Elementary School Questions: Julia Garms, Dean of Students. (507) 557-2251 or jgarms@cedarmt.org
    MS/HS Questions: Misty Riebel, MSHS Principal, (507) 249-5880 or mriebel@cedarmt.org  
    Transportation Questions: Marci Firle, Cedar Mountain Bus Service Manager, Bus Garage Phone Number - 507-249-3136 or cedarmountainbusservice@gmail.com
    Athletics Questions: Jeremy Robinson, (507) 249-5990 or jrobinson@cedarmt.org
    Classroom specific questions: Contact the teacher. Emails for all teachers can be found at https://www.cms.mntm.org/Page/1867